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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

What's New in the Library?

A new service called Wowbrary is a subscription service worth signing up for!

"Wowbrary is a non-profit service that sends you free weekly emails about your local library’s most recent acquisitions. We’ve found that users of Wowbrary emails are both awed and excited when they discover their local public library’s abundance of new books, DVDs, and CDs."
(From the Wowbrary web site.)

Amazing and FREE! We are thrilled with this service, created here in Palo Alto by library lovers.


Anonymous said...

It is unclear how this product works and results have not yet been seen, so some caution is advised in my humble opinion. If it works, great! But let's see if it actually works first. Results may be quite limited, since it appears to be based on Amazon new items searched for against the library catalog.

K Shields said...

I have signed up and will be very interested in how this works. From what I understand, the emails come out once a week.
I will post again after I get the first edition.